David Glass Joins Good Morning America to Discuss the Risks and Rewards of International Surrogacy

Although U.S. based couple Sam and Laura Kaitz successfully completed their surrogacy via an agency in Mexico, they faced unexpected legal issues when bringing the baby home. These issues delayed the homecoming process by several months. Family Law expert and EPGR Lawyers’ Managing Partner, David Glass, appeared on GMA to share his insights on the situation. “There are a lot of risks associated with international surrogacy,” Glass stated. He recommended that couples should check with the U.S. Department of States website before choosing an international surrogacy, as the site has a subpage dedicated to this topic. Additionally, couples with similar international surrogacy goals should connect with the outside country of choice’s embassy to confirm the timeline and homecoming process. The Kaitz family have finally welcomed their baby home, despite experiencing “long and unexpected delays” in documenting their child’s citizenship.
To watch the interview, click here.